Dates and Venue

28 - 29 janvier 2026 | Porte de Versailles | Hall 6

Nouvelles dates

28 - 29 janvier 2026 | Porte de Versailles | Hall 6

How AI is transforming learning and why it will never be the same again


Session: How AI is transforming learning and why it will never be the same again

mercredi 29 janvier 2025
Salle Londres
International trends
[Conference in English]
Despite it being relatively early days, the ability of AI to augment almost every phase of the learning cycle seems inevitable. AI is already changing learning strategy and execution, as well as impacting L&D budgets, investment decisions and supply chains. But for all the hype and opportunities, how is AI really being used in corporate learning today and what should you factor into the strategy and roadmap for your L&D team as we head into 2025?
In this session David Wilson, CEO of Fosway Group will explore its latest research on the impact of AI on learning and L&D teams, including:
The biggest priorities for AI in the learning today
The realities of corporate adoption and impacts on L&D investment
How AI is changing buying choices and supply options in digital learning
The risks and challenges of AI for L&D (and what they should do about them)
Key decisions and actions for L&D to fully realise the value of AI in L&D
Nadia Pace, International Business Mentor - Independante
David Wilson, Founder and CEO - Fosway Group

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